ALGHE, PIANTE, PESCI e altri organismi: un gioco di squadra per vincere la sfida di produrre cibo 100% sostenibile -

ALGHE, PIANTE, PESCI e altri organismi: un gioco di squadra per vincere la sfida di produrre cibo 100% sostenibile

Two examples of circular economy applied to food!
We will tell you about the virtuous experiences of two research projects that seem separate but they are not. They are communicating and interconnected. Both have the goal of improving the sustainability of the food production sector for human or animal consumption. They aim to achieve optimized processes for the production of proteins for human or animal consumption, with smart processes with almost zero waste or waste production.
These projects are possible thanks to the interdisciplinary collaboration not only of the University of Bologna, with the University of Pisa and IBE-CNR, which are present at the event, but also several other national and international partners.